Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm not in trouble yet

Interesting fact #1: noob is officially a word in the English dictionary, I'm sure Mr. William Shakespeare would be very proud.

Lets keep this ball rolling... I'm not in trouble yet.
There is this game that I play, I like to think I made it up. Something original created by yours truly... unfortunately it's not. It comprises of two players, you can also play by yourself. Reading someone can be difficult, there may not be much to work with; aiding awareness can be key. What can you make from someone's expressions, their words, their presence, their vibe? Minds run wild, over analysing every bit of information perceived; ultimately coming to some sort of conclusion and justification. Here is the fun part, what if you're wrong?

I'm playing this game right now, it seems like I'm playing by myself and guess what I'm losing. Things aren't concrete and it isn't safe to play on speculation. I'd like to think that I can play this game forever but I feel like I'm running out of time. (confused?*)

*If you can make any sense of what it is I'm saying then you are by far the coolest thing to walk on two legs since the T-Rex.

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