Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hanging Out In A Cloud of Smog

"I'm pretty sure this is acid rain"

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Beautiful Disconnect

This path looks all too familiar
the scenery, the gray, the grim
I remember what it felt like
the consequences of being just like him

Insecurity, anger, doubt
everything you could ever be worried about 
haunting thoughts, mangled dreams
looking for someone to tell you what it means

This is the closest you'll ever be
do yourself a favor and forget about me
walls from the ground to the sky
no one has ever learned to get by

I just thought I'd let you know 
what's going to happen at the end of this show

the beautiful disconnect is coming 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Facebook, you sneaky fucks.

I just logged into Facebook for the first time in about three months, not to reactive my old account but to create a new one for elevate creation. Once I created the new account it prompted me to 'find your friends' the thing I found odd about this section was that all my past Facebook friends populated the list without me entering any of my old information. Facebook, thank you for reinforcing any negative opinion I've had about you.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Monday (part 2)

Going to work sucks, going to work on a Monday really sucks, going to work on a Monday after a Vegas weekend really really sucks, getting rear-ended on your way to work on Monday after a Vegas weekend is just fucked up.

(6 hours later)

The bosses show up to the office to layoff approx. 10 people, I was one of them. So... I guess my weekend starts today! :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

There's a first time for everything bay-be.

Shit happens! (naturally) I don't know about you but when shit happens there's a pretty good chance I'm going to wish I could just forget it. Well, this is the only time in my life where shit happened and I wish I could remember. To explain what happened using math, we'll take 'drank' and add 'drank much more' and we'll get 'black out.' I have vague memories of leaving a bar, getting into a car, and taking a picture of the road ahead of me (You know these handful of scenes from personal experience I'm sure). I don't remember much of anything between approx. 3-4am to 11:30am Sunday morning. I don't remember any dialog I may have had, I don't remember getting out of the car and walking to my front door. I don't even remember changing my clothes and getting into bed...
Trying to remember has been really difficult and the more I think about remembering and can't recall, the more I'm bothered by the whole thing.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Time Machine

The door swung wide open with the help from a man who didn't know his own strength. This sudden movement caught my eye and to my surprise I was greeted with a beautifully effortless smile. I didn't know if it was directed at me or what the intent may have been but I didn't care because for that brief moment in time I felt 15 years old again. Not a care in the world, simply excited just to be in your line of sight and with a sudden act of desperation the door began it's course to it's original position. You were gone and I was still cold. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

broken pinkies

There's butterflies in my stomach today, they're not the nervous ones you get before a job interview or the ones you get right before a promising first date. They're the crippling ones that keep you in bed for 12 hours straight, you know the kind you never learn to miss. I've tried very hard to detach myself from this anchor that has been dragging me below water for months now and when I feel like I've made some progress here comes days like today. The very thought of proximity makes me wish I had made you make the same promise. If we ever decide to go our own ways, just let me know which path you'll take so that I may politely go the opposite way. You may not know it but you've managed to find me again and I hate you for it.  

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Finite Feelings

I wake up every morning and sing
about the things that I've made up in dreams
and if I could show you, a glimpse of what I've seen
I think you might just side with me

Now the morning has quickly past
the ideas and thoughts are coming too fast
and now i'm starting to feel, praying and hoping this isn't real
all I can hope is that these feelings won't last

I think this all goes to show
that nobody truely knows
but everything will be okay, as long as we can get away
don't worry my love, we will be set free

Don't worry my love, we still have our dreams

Friday, January 20, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Closed off to the world

You're so afraid to show
When your mind begins to flow
Open your eyes and see
You're just so beautiful to me

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


           You have faith in these people, you trust that there is respect for your friendship and that they wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt you. You believe them when they say "I care," you believe that they wouldnt steer you in wrong directions... so you value their opinion. You count on them to be there for you, it doesn't have to be physically, it doesn't even have to be on your time, the only thing you expect is a response... eventually. This is what friendship means to me, now I may have a warped sense of thinking, I know I may even have the tendency to swim in my thoughts and make Hollywood budget movies out of the most generic of situations but I can honestly say that some of my "friends" don't share these same principles and even then, I find myself putting them before me. That might make me a real friend or a complete idiot but one can only endure the tribulations that come along with having someone who doesn't share this same idea in your life. Eventually it gets to the point where they become so invaluable and so oblivious to how you feel about them it doesn't matter anymore. Over time friends have come and gone and some friends have been around for years. Some of us have grown apart, connected by vague and awkward emails. Some of us have grown together, connected by like minded ideas and a passion to continue growing together. I've had the privilege of getting to know a number of amazing people this past year who I can honestly call my friends and I have also lost respect for others. The one thing I've learned after going through this process is that you can't burn a bridge that doesn't exist anymore. To my friends reading this, I love you and thank you for being a key part of my life.  

(This post is kind of perfect to me for a number of reasons, it may not be evident and it may not be clear but thanks for humoring me <3)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

An embodied collective of everything I strive to be

You gracefully flowed between my fingertips, politely vanished out of sight, and painfully escaped my mind. You will forever be embedded in a poor choice of words and a piece of writing not worthy of your description. Here’s to everything good about you.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

smile :)

:] dont be so serious :-)

:-> ;) :}
