Thursday, September 10, 2009


In a room where fault is associated to risk, missed opportunities are the norm, "don't I know you?" I'm glad I found what I was looking for, lost in translation better left to chance. I don't recall the content, so let's explore each others minds. Let's make believe that we are capable of amazing things on a line with no sound and not just obvious humor. There's a rest on my mind, I've been wondering... "does this change everything?" Looking for something that can make us happy, it's the challenge and yet we still try.

Monday, August 24, 2009

You Called It

I feel like I've seen you before in a time and place I can't remember. Someone told me about you years ago, I never thought it could be true.

The only thing I'll ask of you...

"please don't wake me when you walk out that door."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sorry, I Missed You

Writers block, I'm getting old.
That seems to sum things up.

Heres to 22.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

It's not that I don't love you

Blogspot, it's not that I don't love you or that I'm trying to ignore you. It's just that Wordpress works with me. It makes my life simpler and lets me do something that I can not do with you... everything. Don't beat yourself up, you're an amazing tool and you are capable of doing amazing things; just not the things I need you to do. I hope you understand that I have needs too and who knows when this next week is over I might come back to you and we can be happy again, but for now; I just need some space. Thanks for understanding and yes, I still love you!

haha, wtf!


<3 with all his heart gerardo h.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

it's really late and i'm really excited

i'm leaving on a road trip to new york at 6 am, 5 hrs from now and i'm going to update my blog; JUST NOT THIS ONE.


So if you're any bit interested check it out, i'll be posting pictures and other fun junk. :D

Friday, July 24, 2009


Williams desk

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Is my middle name.

Monday, July 13, 2009

That's why I wait till after I write to think of a title: Why I'm happy!

I was happy until about 2 minutes ago. I woke up late so I got into work late, it was like every other morning. (First day of work without Sonia there, it was kind of a weird/sad day) I got out of work early and ran into some not too normal Monday traffic on the 605. I "cleaned" my room and played games with my cousin; so far so good. I got some money dropped off to me (always a nice surprise) and Adrianna came over and took me to dinner (I seriously could eat King Taco everyday for the rest of my life, it's so amazing; how amazing? So amazing I would want them to cater my wedding*!) I like long drives, it's a summer evening we saw the sun set on 8:30 PM, it was really cool and you don't get to "experience" this all the time. Off on a side note those little flashing fireworks are not that bright on July 4 but when all else is absent those little suckers can cause a car accident, blinding people or giving them seizures, people getting run off the road, attracting crowds; just madness. Back to why I'm not happy, wait I don't remember why I'm not happy, so I guess I'm happy again. Huh? Thank you blog, you saved the day!

*If I were to get married.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Once more with feeling...



I can't wait, I really can't. Ahhhhhhhhh...haha

Weak sauce

iPhone pictures+ night= bad pics : /

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

where clocks are set by feel

I got this little thing called an iPhone, It's apparently a lifestyle I've come to learn and it's only 16GB. I have a 30GB iPod I got back in '05 and needed to filter out what I wanted to put on my new expensive piece of electronic bliss. I listened to some music last week that I haven't listened to in years and well... some of it brought back memories. What was really cool is that I remember how I was feeling the last time I listened to this music, it was an experience; a kind of high. Before you know it everything around me reminded me of something else then I realized that I will forever have this connection with my memories, bridged forever by these songs.

"I drive too fast at night
because accidents happen to other men
and not me."

Monday, June 15, 2009


Sometimes I wish
I could catch a break like I catch colds
Sometimes I wish
I could fight like I have something to lose
Sometimes I wish

It's true what they say
Nice guys finish last
thank you miss
my name is Generalization
Cheaper by the dozen
Six for zero

I have no individuality
I am not unique
I don't know what it is to be me
So, why the fuck do I want to be like you?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Trial by Association

"Everyone is so Fucking self oriented, they need to get over themselves for fuck's sake."

-someone special 702

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm not in trouble yet

Interesting fact #1: noob is officially a word in the English dictionary, I'm sure Mr. William Shakespeare would be very proud.

Lets keep this ball rolling... I'm not in trouble yet.
There is this game that I play, I like to think I made it up. Something original created by yours truly... unfortunately it's not. It comprises of two players, you can also play by yourself. Reading someone can be difficult, there may not be much to work with; aiding awareness can be key. What can you make from someone's expressions, their words, their presence, their vibe? Minds run wild, over analysing every bit of information perceived; ultimately coming to some sort of conclusion and justification. Here is the fun part, what if you're wrong?

I'm playing this game right now, it seems like I'm playing by myself and guess what I'm losing. Things aren't concrete and it isn't safe to play on speculation. I'd like to think that I can play this game forever but I feel like I'm running out of time. (confused?*)

*If you can make any sense of what it is I'm saying then you are by far the coolest thing to walk on two legs since the T-Rex.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Some rant by some guy... punctuation not welcome!

So i don't know who reads this or why, but thanks for caring enough to look. I see there has been a quite a handful of views, maybe the same person, maybe my dog, or maybe aliens. It really doesn't matter.

Today was cool I just got three finals out of the way and one more on friday and then i'm off to vegas for the weekend ( a very much needed vacation from school and work). Oh and thanks to _______ for helping me realize that maybe i shouldn't drink too much somethimes because i just say silly things that i don't remember. It comes with a bit of thruth, but maybe better left unsaid.
Leading to my point:

Why is it that people have the urge to tell "secrets", sometimes even about oneself?

I was thinking and in my case to would be because i would want someone to know, a part of me wants to see where it would go discussion wise, the other part of me (the sane part) is saying, "shut the fuck up and dont you dare tell a soul!"

It can open up a huge can of worms, you pretty much just open up the door for praise, critism, insults, disappointment etc... but people do it anyways, I do it.
I hear that "letting it out" helps but what happens when it can get you in trouble or give you some unwanted attention. I like letting it out, I hate draging things on, I would rather have some sort of closure or atleast I try not to anymore. A lot of stuff can happen in a day.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

How funny that you ask (giggle)

So my mind has been everywhere lately. I was just thinking about how I only have one year of school left. What next? Just four years ago I was a dorky, skinny, ugly kid (wait a second... I still am. Knee slapper.) graduating from a mediocre high school with nothing to my name. They told me that these college years were going to be the best ones of my life but I have yet to experience them. I really don't know what it is or if I will see it later on. I feel stuck a majority of the time, really no freedom, tied down by work and school. Hopefully this is truly short lived. On to bigger and better things.

Sunday, January 18, 2009