Monday, May 18, 2009

Some rant by some guy... punctuation not welcome!

So i don't know who reads this or why, but thanks for caring enough to look. I see there has been a quite a handful of views, maybe the same person, maybe my dog, or maybe aliens. It really doesn't matter.

Today was cool I just got three finals out of the way and one more on friday and then i'm off to vegas for the weekend ( a very much needed vacation from school and work). Oh and thanks to _______ for helping me realize that maybe i shouldn't drink too much somethimes because i just say silly things that i don't remember. It comes with a bit of thruth, but maybe better left unsaid.
Leading to my point:

Why is it that people have the urge to tell "secrets", sometimes even about oneself?

I was thinking and in my case to would be because i would want someone to know, a part of me wants to see where it would go discussion wise, the other part of me (the sane part) is saying, "shut the fuck up and dont you dare tell a soul!"

It can open up a huge can of worms, you pretty much just open up the door for praise, critism, insults, disappointment etc... but people do it anyways, I do it.
I hear that "letting it out" helps but what happens when it can get you in trouble or give you some unwanted attention. I like letting it out, I hate draging things on, I would rather have some sort of closure or atleast I try not to anymore. A lot of stuff can happen in a day.

1 comment:

xteenuh said...

fyi, i read it. :) I'm like you i say everything, most would say too much but if i didn't I'd go nuts not saying what I feel.